By Kanka Chaki
Published on April 4, 2013
In 2007, I backpacked alone through the West Bengal villages in India. I travelled without a map, any form of technology or even a dictionary. My goal was to challenge myself at every step and truly understand my own limits. I was raised in a conservative Indian family, with constant supervision of elders. I wanted to break free from those barriers and safety nets and experience a drastically different and more challenging life. Throughout my teenage years, I had constantly faced stereotypes that a world is a dangerous place for a woman travelling alone. I wanted my travelling experiences to challenge these ideas and test my courage.
Before I began my journey I knew that I did not want to experience India through the eyes of the popular travelling book known as The Lonely Planet Guide. I did not want to know what I was about to see and where I was about to go. I wanted to experience India as it came to me. Instead, I decided to travel through the West Bengal villages, a route rarely chosen by travelers yet full of some of the most significant aspects of India.
I had always perceived myself as an extremely courageous individual, completely ready to experience every aspect of life with open arms. I learned that I was wrong. I was timid and cowardly. Courageous was not who I was but who I wanted to become. There were times the culture shock left me stunned and paralyzed; I held back because I did not want to feel out of place. The busy railway stations, the people relaxing around the benches at the stations, the bustling marketplaces often made me feel speechless and lost. I was often homesick, craving to go to a place where I would feel more comfortable and safe. Coming to terms with these experiences and emotions challenged me to step out of my comfort zone, and to become stronger and more courageous. Towards the end of my journey, I realized that travelling and pushing myself beyond my limits and barriers helped me become the person I have wanted to become.
Until my solo backpacking trip, travelling had meant escaping the daily routine with my entire family and fleeing to a destination that allowed us to relax, enjoy delicious food and breathtaking scenery at leisure. Travel like this was safe and worry-free. I could wear anything I liked and act however I wanted, without worrying about consequences. But backpacking alone through the villages in India made me understand this overwhelming sense of what it is to be a woman. I could not wear just anything I felt like wearing. I had to make sure that my outfits were conservative and did not attract too much attention. I wore traditional clothes in order to blend in. At all times, I had to make sure my actions were prudent and did not put me in a dangerous position. I thought twice before walking into marketplaces at night to buy dinner. At times, I was desperate to find a hostel to stay for the night because I did not want to wander after dark. I remember one evening, I stepped into a train cabin shortly after it became dark outside. I looked around and realized that I was one of only two women on the train. I sat there quietly with a shawl wrapped around my body, trying not to make any eye contact. Sitting by the window and trying to ignore numerous men leering at my body, I felt a sense of fear like never before. It was a kind of fear that could only be experienced and understood by a woman. It angered me that my family was right; it was not safe to travel alone as a woman. But instead of letting fear prevent me from travelling alone, I let it embrace me and shape my experiences. Traveling alone as a woman was more difficult than I imagined, and at times, it was certainly dangerous. But I proved that ultimately it could be done.
I admire you for having the courage to travel as you did by yourself and even at night. I remember seeing desperately poor people at the ‘Gateway to India’ in Mumbai. One woman was carrying twin infants, naked with ribs standing out on their chests, one of the babies at the breast. The mother had her hand extended and was moaning pathetically. I had never seen such a dramatic demonstration of poverty. The scene has stayed with both of us throughout our lifetimes (we are now in our mid-eighties and the memory is from 60 years ago.)
This is a very interesting and inspiring story; I personally think you’re really brave for challenging the stereotype that women shouldn’t be travelling alone. I feel like a lot of people don’t want to travel abroad because they are simply afraid of the unknown. When you’re travelling you learn about the world and other people, it can shape you into a better and more confident person. I think it’s pretty cool how you wore outfits that were more conservative, such as traditional clothing to blend in with everybody. This was a great story, it makes me want to go out and travel alone to new places!
What an intriguing story! I admire you for not letting your fears stop you from doing what you set out to do. Your experience helps illustrate how places shape us by providing diverse perceptions of ourselves through our activities and experiences within each specific place. Your travels as a woman also show how our “sense of place” can depend on a person’s social position in society. I’m sure that the whole experience would have been slightly different as a man. I too love travelling and I truly enjoyed reading about your journey. Best of luck in future travels!
This was a very inspiring story. I admire how you pushed yourself to your limits to become who you set out to be. I also find it fascinating how certain environments can influence a persons’ actions. For example, when you had to control the way you acted and dressed whenever you were in public in order to avoid dangerous situations. You are definitely a brave and courageous person to travel alone; especially to places that were foreign to you. Your experience in India made me want to analyse my fears and challenge them.