* On the Move * is on hiatus.
On the Move: an undergraduate journal of creative geographies is an online publication of writings by students at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and previously, students at the University of Toronto, Scarborough. The journal is independently published and maintained by Prof. Ju Hui Judy Han.
On the Move showcases new voices and stories by students, scholars, artists, and activists interested in questions of travel, mobility, and movements. Every published story represents weeks of hard work grappling with critical concepts, difficult experiences, and complex narrative structures. We publish carefully written stories that feature compelling narratives of mobilities and difference, lived experiences of race, ethnicity, gender, class, sexuality, nation, and religion on the move. We welcome stories about itineraries and encounters as long as they engage with personally engaged and critically informed narratives of space and (im)mobility.
Our first collection of stories began as personal travel reflections written by students in Prof. Han’s third-year cultural geography course on “Spaces of Travel: Unsettling Tourism, Migration, and Everyday Mobilities” taught at the University of Toronto, Scarborough in Fall 2012. In December 2014, we published Volume 2 with 8 stories with more artwork and a video this time in a new category called Itinerary. Nine more stories and itineraries were published in Volume 3, and the final group of stories from Toronto students were published in 2016-7 as Volume 4.
The latest Volume 5 marks the first group of stories written by UCLA students in Prof. Han’s Gender Studies 102 class on power and travel in Spring 2018.
Email: judyhan AT ucla.edu
Web: onthemovejournal.com
Facebook: facebook.com/onthemove.journal